It's up to you to break generational trauma.

Does your family have generational trauma? Do you feel a calling to be the one who ends it? What if I said that it’s up to you to break generational trauma?

Many people are doing just that. If you are interested in breaking the cycle of generational trauma, then you’ve come to the right place.

This article will offer you the tools you need to empower you to break the chains. If you know in your heart that it’s up to you to break generational trauma, let’s dive right in.

It’s up to You To Break Generational Trauma

Ancestral trauma has been passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes, the same song gets played over and over again. So, for example, you could come from a family whose ancestors were in poverty. Now, no matter what you seem to do, you make money, and then you spend it.

You can’t seem to hold on to cash at all. It’s like you are living out a poverty vow that isn’t even one you made yourself. This money issue can be dealt with, though. If you work on healing your ancestral lineage’s problems with money, you can improve your issues with money.

So, a great way to do this is to meditate, focus on money and abundance, and ask that your family line be healed of all money problems. When you finally heal the money problems in your family line, you can also help future generations.

You may have to learn to handle money responsibly, too. You can’t simply meditate and continue to overspend.

But when you acknowledge that there is possibly a money issue or maybe a “lack mentality” in your family, then you can actively start breaking generational trauma and heal the money wound for your whole lineage.

What Are Some Ways To Break Generational Trauma?

If you know it’s up to you to break generational trauma—then there are some simple yet effective ways to do this.


For one, you will need to develop a good self-care routine. I’ve been breaking the cycle of generational trauma myself for a few years now. Without my self-care practice, none of it would be possible.

My generational trauma showed itself in many ways, but one was addiction. My relationship with substances had become my priority for as far back as I can remember the first sip of vodka I ever had. From that day on, alcohol silently replaced all of the other meaningful relationships in my life. The one relationship that suffered the most, though, was the one with myself.

So, once I got sober, I began to learn to love myself again. You can do this in many different ways, but the most important thing to remember is to be consistent. 

You need to develop a self-care routine to be able to break generational trauma. So, you can start small: eat right and get enough sleep. Getting the proper amount of sleep is crucial when trying to heal something deep inside us. 

You don’t have to spend forever on it—spend twenty minutes or more daily to focus on yourself. You can paint, read, watch TV, take a bath, or do anything that makes you feel like you love and appreciate yourself.

Movement as Medicine

The next thing that you can do when you are working to break generational curses is to practice movement as medicine. Our ancestors all knew this. There were many rituals where people danced, sang, hummed, and played instruments. These rituals were a type of healing practice for the indigenous people. There is science behind it, too.

Take dancing, for example; in this systematic review, researchers looked into dance as a remedy for pain relief. Across all the studies that were looked at, 74% of participants reported a reduction in their pain after dancing.

Dancing is also a great way to elevate our moods and raise our spirits. Now, there are plenty of other ways to move that can help you with generational trauma. You can also try yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, pilates, or any different kind of exercise that you enjoy. 

When we move our body, we release emotions that can get stuck in certain areas of the body. So, choose a movement that calls out to you, practice it as often as you like, and you’ll move a step closer to breaking the cycle of generational trauma. 

Build Healthy Communication Skills

Sometimes, trauma can stem from words that were said. This is also the case for generational trauma. Family members may not set out to hurt your feelings, but it could just be how they were talked to as a child. 

So, if you know that it’s up to you to break generational trauma, learn better communication skills. Once you learn better ways to communicate with people in your life, you can also help your family members to speak better.

One of the best ways to put this into practice is to begin to listen actively. So often, we wait for someone else to finish what they are saying so that we can say what we want. This is not an ideal way to build healthy communication with the people we love. 

Instead, when your partner or child is speaking, listen intently. Nod your head occasionally to show that you are paying attention while they talk. When they are finished, you can say, “I hear what you are saying, and I appreciate your honesty.” Letting the other person know they are heard can quickly de-escalate an argument. 

So next time you want to shout back at someone, try to stop and listen to what it is they are trying to express to you, even if they are expressing themselves in an unhealed way. By actively listening to people and acknowledging their feelings, we can build better relationships that don’t always end in a chaotic argument.

If you have children, this is even more important for breaking the cycle of generational trauma. If you and your partner yell and scream at each other, your children will learn to communicate in the same way and carry on the tradition.

So, to break toxic communication, listen, acknowledge, and calmly respond afterward. Notice how much better your relationships are and how your child’s communication skills improve from watching you.

A Generational Trauma Coach Can Help

So, if you know it’s up to you to break generational trauma, you have some new tools to try. If you need some additional help in breaking the cycle of generational trauma, then you should hire a generational trauma coach.

At Unleash Your Healing Vibes, my UNLEASH method is designed to help you heal every aspect of yourself that is influenced by generational trauma. So, if you are ready to answer the call, reach out today and let me help you answer your call. 
