Generational curses are passed down just like generational trauma. So, adverse circumstances, behaviors, and traits are passed down from generation to generation until someone breaks the cycle. Many people are starting to realize that it’s their mission to break the chains of generational curses in their family.

In the Bible and many other ancient texts, generational curses are mentioned. Science has proven that trauma is passed down through epigenetics, and much of the generational trauma that is carried over to the next generation is what is manifesting some of these generational curses.

Some generational curses can be physical issues as well as dying at a young age. So, some generational curses may not yet be explainable through “science” per se, but they are still very real to the families that go through them. Generational curses can be picked up from the environment, too.

Take addiction, for example. Addiction is a result of generational trauma that has been passed down from our parents or grandparents, and it manifests itself as a coping mechanism. But, it can also develop in the environment.

So, let’s review some ways that generational curses can show up in our lives and look at how to break generational curses.

What Is a Generational Curse, and Where Do They Come From?

A generational curse is a dysfunctional or difficult pattern that families have. In the Bible, generational curses were caused by the sins of the fathers. In Greek mythology, many gods would sometimes curse families. In Hinduism, Gandhari cursed Lord Krishna’s family line. Many other ancient religious texts also refer to generational curses.

A generational curse will continue to travel down the bloodline from generation to generation until someone can recognize, break, and heal it. In this way, by healing the generational curse, the generations after will not have to suffer the same fate.

These generational curses are often encoded in our DNA, and we act without knowing where some behaviors or choices stem from. We can do this subconsciously until we figure out how to make them conscious. Let’s take a closer look at how generational curses can manifest themselves in our lives.

Inherited Generational Trauma

Generational trauma is passed down through our DNA, and until it is pinpointed, it will manifest itself as a generational curse. So, for example, let’s say your grandma lived during a famine. So, she had to go without nutrition for long periods of time. This would cause a genetic change in the body because the body would be trying to find a way to survive on fewer nutrients than usual.

Your grandma had your mother, and this genetic change is present in her now, too. So, after the famine is over, the trauma is still there for both family members.

The grandmother may start overeating and become obese. But your mother may develop bulimia or a different type of eating disorder. They both carry generational trauma in their DNA, but each manifests differently. 

So, you are not always going to have the same trauma response as your parents, which is what makes this tricky when trying to determine what generational curses you may have.


Sometimes, generational curses are picked up from the environment that you live in. For example, maybe your parents were violent, and there was always fighting and chaos in the house as a kid. You never knew what it would be like when you got off the school bus.

As you get older, you find yourself getting into fights at school. Then, when you get into relationships, the same domestic violence ensues. While some argue that this is learned behavior, I don’t believe that.

Let’s say that you’re a victim of domestic violence, and you keep attracting more men who are the same way. I don’t believe for a second that you learned to do that, and now you are actively looking for that type of relationship. Instead, there could very well be a generational curse in your family that leads to you becoming the victim of domestic violence.

There’s a good chance, if you dig into your family history, that there was a woman, or more than one, who was a victim of male abuse. Or maybe there was a male in your family who was the abuser. So, you see, you are paying for their sins. But you can break the curse so that it doesn’t have to affect your children and their children.

Learned Behavior

Other generational curses are learned behaviors. So, for example, let’s say you come from a wealthy family that worships money above all else. You were second to money, your mother was second to money, and money was the most important thing in the house. Of course, this also means that material wealth is essential to your family, too.

So, various cars and lavish vacations were the norm, but no one ever wanted to play with you as a kid or spend time with you. Instead, you learned that money and stuff equal love because no one had time for you because they were too busy making more money or spending it.

Another learned behavior that turned into a generational curse could be how you act in interpersonal relationships. So, for example, let’s say that when you get mad, you act out in a rage. Looking back, that’s exactly how your father handled his issues. Actually, any time anyone in the family got upset, the response was rage. So, you learned this behavior. But the rage could be a generational curse learned by your parents and their parents. 

What Are Some Generational Curses?

So, if you want to know how to break generational curses, you need to know what you’re looking for. Let’s check out a list of some common generational curses.

Some common examples of generational curses include the following:

  • Violence
  • Generational trauma
  • Addiction 
  • Codependency
  • Hoarding 
  • Poverty mindset
  • Single parenthood
  • Dying young
  • Overworking 
  • Experiencing prejudice
  • Idolatry (putting money, sex, drugs, material things, and relationships above family and spirituality)
  • Incest
  • Divorce
  • Gold digging or being attracted to gold diggers
  • Gambling  
  • Promiscuity/affairs
  • Toxic parenting habits
  • Depression and anxiety 
  • Unforgiveness 
  • Manipulation and control issues 
  • Social isolation
  • Laziness 
  • Anger and rage issues

This list is by no means exhaustive, but you get the idea. Now that you know some common generational curses that could be plaguing your family line, let’s dive into the good news. Let’s learn how to break generational curses. 

Reach Out Directly to Your Ancestors

One of the best ways to learn more about your family history and behavior patterns is to talk to them. Find the oldest generation alive on both sides of your family and ask them about behavior patterns or other generational curses that they know about.

They can let you in on some of the information and environments they grew up in. By talking it over with different family members, starting with the oldest ones and working your way through them, you can identify patterns and circumstances that seem to be repeating.

Once you have your list together, take a deep look inside. What patterns do you see reflected in your own life? What traits do you think you want to break?

Is poverty a repeating pattern in your family? If so, think of ways that you can overcome poverty and be the one who breaks the cycle for your family.

It’s tough to break a generational curse that we don’t even acknowledge or see, so a good starting point is to investigate your family tree. Not to mention the added benefit of asking them what some of their coping mechanisms were and seeing if your family can offer you any valuable insight into what’s going on with you in your life.

Look At Yourself Honestly

If you try the first idea for how to break generational curses, you may come up against a bit of hostility from some. It is challenging for many people to look at themselves honestly and sincerely. Some of your ancestors may react defensively to questions about generational curses because that means facing themselves. That’s okay. You will get the answers from the ones who are willing to talk.

This is very important for you. Look deep into your shadow traits. What darker aspects do you dismiss and push away for no one to see? This would be a good time to ask your spouse or children to point out when you hurt them.

I’m sure you should be able to find one generational curse, but I bet if you dig deep enough and ask for your family members to point out when you are hurting them with your words, you’ll figure out patterns that you may be able to contribute to a generational curse.

See, these generational curses often come through us unconsciously, so it could be how you speak to your children or your husband that is itself a generational curse. Maybe your grandpa spoke harshly to your mother, and then your mother talked that way to you, and now you do the same.

It’s nothing to be ashamed of, but we can’t change anything we don’t know about. So, a good start is to shine a light on the parts of you that generally live in the darkness, and you’ll be one step closer to learning how to break generational curses. 

Practice Self-Care

If you want to know how to break generational curses, then one of the best ways to do that is to get yourself a self-care routine. When we show ourselves love, compassion, and care, we begin to heal our inner child and inner wounds.

Sometimes, the inner child inside us carries the weight of generational trauma that has been passed down to us. But more often, our inner children are hurt by the environment. 

So, we must start a self-care routine to show the inner child the love they deserve. One of the best ways to begin to incorporate self-care is to create a daily routine. I practice yoga first thing in the morning before I do anything else. (Well, maybe after just one cup of coffee.) 

But having a morning routine is only one aspect of true self-care.

I have something posted on my refrigerator, and I’m unsure of the author or exactly how it is worded, so I will paraphrase it here. Still, it goes something like this: “Genuine self-care is not taking bubble baths and eating truffles, but rather true self-care is when you create a life you don’t want to escape from all the time.”

So, make that your self-care plan and build upon that statement.

But you can also practice good hygiene, regular sleep habits, and eating correctly. You’ll also want to tackle your mental health, goals, and mindset. So often, our perspective can get warped by generational trauma as children, and we can believe some pretty crazy stuff. But if you focus on these aspects of self-care, you can begin to break free from generational curses.

Work With a Generational Curses Coach

Now that you know how to break free from generational curses, there’s one more thing to consider — breaking free from generational curses is no easy feat, and you don’t have to go at it alone.

If you know in your heart that it’s your duty to break generational curses in your family, then you would benefit from working with a generational curses coach.

I’ve broken free from the chains of addiction and codependency and healed my inner child. Now, my main passion in life is to help others do the same. In fact, it’s my personal mission to do so. My signature UNLEASH method works to help you find hidden generational trauma that’s in your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental bodies and release it. So, reach out to Unleash Your Healing Vibes today for a FREE UNLEASH discovery session, and let’s free you from the chains by learning how to break free from generational curses. 

Ready to start healing ancestral trauma today? Sign up for my FREE 5-day Vibe Challenge, during which we will move closer to transforming the generational trauma that holds you.

🧘  Join our Private “Healing Hive” Group, which offers weekly coaching sessions with Alicia Ramella, and join a community where everyone is learning to break generational curses together!
