Do you know how some people seem to have all the bad luck? But at the end of all of their troubles, they become amazing, humble, human beings. If you feel like you have had some extra hardships, you could be a spiritual warrior.

It’s like the easier your life is, the less appreciative and caring you are. Maybe this is not the case for everyone, but if you feel like maybe, you’ve been dealt a crap hand of cards, maybe it’s time to rethink that. 

You could be a spiritual warrior!

Instead of “woe is me,” perhaps there’s a greater reason for your troubles. Let’s discuss how you can turn your pain into gold and even help others. 

What Is a Spiritual Warrior? 

There are many types of spiritual people on the planet who are on a mission. This article will cover the spiritual warrior. 

The term spiritual warrior has been used since ancient times to describe certain souls who are full of resilience, strength, and simply the ability to face difficulty head-on, over, and over. 

These brave souls abhor ignorance and cruelty in the world and feel like they are here to dismantle outdated and evil ways. 

The warrior may be faced with various hardships, from death and grief, to addiction, to breaking family curses, to a combination of them all. The point is that they rise above the ashes like phoenixes and can now help other people going through the same trials. 

There are many ways in which spiritual warriors can live their lives on purpose. Let’s explore some of the signs that you might be a spiritual warrior on a mission.

You Know That You Are Here To Break Generational Curses

Spiritual warriors often feel that it is their duty to break negative generational curses or patterns. So, if you are the one in your family who said no, this is where that cycle runs out.

You could be a spiritual warrior. How lucky is it for your ancestors and future generations to be able to break free of such awful curses that have been playing out for decades

Maybe you even succumbed to these curses or traumas, but you still overcame them, and now you know it is your mission.

For example, some generational curses can be things like addiction, codependency, having money issues, coming from a “lack perspective”, cheating and marital affairs, gluttony, being attracted to violent men or women, or even just smaller issues like hoarding or arguing can be generational patterns that are dysfunctional and need to be broken. 

Perhaps you have always known that clearing up these karmic family issues is your duty. If this sounds like you, then you are most likely a spiritual warrior.

You Are the Black Sheep

This ties in with the previous mission of breaking family curses. Typically, we are born into families that just don’t seem to align with some of the innermost aspects of our true selves.

If you have always felt like you didn’t “fit in” with the rest of your family, you could be a spiritual warrior.

Your divine mission is to clear the karma for your bloodline, so obviously, you are not going to fit in. If you weren’t the black sheep, you wouldn’t realize that any of these issues needed to be broken in the first place. In fact, you might not even be a sheep at all. 😉

Or maybe you simply have a much deeper outlook on life than anyone else in your family. Perhaps you are the only spiritual person in your family.

Or maybe you just live your life in unconventional ways that everyone else in your family doesn’t seem to understand. It’s all because you are supposed to be the cycle-breaker!

You are heart-led with a pink background and a darker pink heart behind the text

You Are Heart-Led/ Intuition Led

If you are a heart-led person or you follow your intuition wholeheartedly, you might be a spiritual warrior. Typically, a spiritual warrior can distinguish ego from intuitive soul truth. 

If you have been following your heart ever since you were a child, then this is a big sign as well. Spiritual warriors follow their hearts in all things. They read and learn about what they love and are passionate about, no matter what society tells them to do. 

Spiritual warriors will be noticed because they follow their hearts in all matters. Maybe you have only ever loved one person in your life.

Maybe you are so true to your authenticity that you are a loner and have no friends because they don’t understand you, but you don’t care.

You will stop at nothing to live your life like your internal world dictates, even if that means living a life without friends by your side.

You Are Very Spiritual

Are you fascinated by everything spiritual or metaphysical? If you have always been interested in things like astrology, tarot cards, or quantum physics, then you may be a spiritual warrior. 

Even as a child, you knew there was a veil covering things you couldn’t see, but you felt the energy and knew something was there.

Or maybe you’ve always been religious and believed in God since you were little, but you knew that some information was simply left out or erased from the ancient texts that went a little deeper.

If you have always been drawn to the spiritual and metaphysical worlds, chances are you are a spiritual warrior. 

Lie sign pointing one way and the truth sign is pointing the other way with clouds in the background and blue background.

You Are Committed to the Truth

You absolutely hate lies. You don’t like to lie, but you hate to hear a lie, and you have a keen sense of picking up on lies, especially the ones that seem to have everyone else around you under a spell

A spiritual warrior will distance themselves as far away as they can from liars, even in their own family line. 

Not to mention, they will seek out the truth. Typically, you will find something that you are passionate about and that you see is wrong in the world.

There will be a big lie that everyone seems to follow, and you will become so passionate about digging into the truth of the matter and then exposing it to as many people as you can. 

If honesty and truth are part of your personality and character, then you could be a spiritual warrior.

You Get Knocked Down but You Get Back Up

If your life has been a series of knockdowns, but you keep getting back up and dusting yourself off, you might be a spiritual warrior. 

Warrior spirits are known for their resilience. No matter how many times you get knocked down, you don’t stay down there too long.

You might occasionally have a pity party, but you will always get back up and face the world head-on again. 

However, each time you are knocked down, you go through a purification process. This is like the Phoenix from the Ashes story. You come out on the other side of any adversity, a stronger and better person.

You will not be destroyed by any evil that comes around and knocks you down, but you will rise again and again.

You Feel Like Your Life Has Been Full of Tests

Do you feel like you have had a harder life than others? Or do you feel like you have been thrown spiritual test after test? Or maybe you have gone through a ton of hardships in your life, and instead of feeling bad about it, you want to see how you can turn your pain into gold. 

Spiritual warriors go through tests and trials so that they can become better people and be able to help others.

Some of these tests can also tie back to some of the family curses that you are here to break. So, for example, if someone in your lineage raped or killed someone, maybe you are here to experience the pain that person’s family went through in a different way.

The painful life experiences you go through can help clear away the karma that your ancestors put into your DNA. 

Now, of course, it doesn’t always have to be so awful such as rape or murder; any behavior that would merit karma could lead to a generational curse. So, if you think your life has been more difficult than others, you may be a spiritual warrior. 

The best part is that you can use your pain to help others who may go through similar situations. This is why my mission is to help other spiritual warriors who know that they are here to break generational curses. So, if any of these signs sound like you, then you might be a spiritual warrior. 

Are You Ready To Break Generational Curses?

If you want additional help overcoming some of these generational curses or maybe just some support with being a spiritual warrior in general, then reach out to Unleash Your Healing Vibes.

I work with spiritual warriors who know that they are here to break family curses, and I help you connect to your ancestors through spiritual practices and rituals, as well as offer you tools that you can use to break the curses and support the next generation.

Reach out today for a free call to help you break your own generational curses and become the spiritual warrior that you were destined to be!
