Are you looking for a codependency coach? Have you ever heard of codependency coaching? Life coaching, in general, is not new but has become so much more popular over the years simply because it’s different than other traditional methods of handling our issues.

It’s much less formal than going to a therapist’s office and laying out your problems. With life coaching and codependency coaching in general, you work with someone with extensive knowledge or life experience in the precise area in which you are looking for help.

So, a codependency life coach works with people who have codependency. Often, they have lived experiences with codependency and can offer a unique perspective and guide you along the path.

Let’s go over six ways a codependency coach can help you, so you can determine if codependency coaching is right for you.

1. Teach You How To Set Healthy Boundaries

A codependency coach can teach you how to set healthy boundaries. Often, when we are in codependent relationships, we don’t have any boundaries at all. We become yes-men and floor mats.

A good life coach can teach you how to set and maintain healthy boundaries, which will prevent those types of behaviors. So, the next time you think about getting into a relationship, you’ll have all these guardrails set up. 

So, for example, if they start to act distant, you may have a boundary that doesn’t allow for distant and cold behavior. So you’ll feel confident in laying down that boundary for them. 

“Hey, I don’t appreciate this type of behavior.”

And if they continue the behavior, you know to kick them to the curb and move on.

That’s the important thing about boundaries: you must adhere to them. If someone thinks you are wishy-washy with your boundaries, they will walk over you and see how far they can get. 

Well, not everyone will do this, but you want to lay down the rules in the early stages before you end up wrapped up in another toxic love relationship.

It’s not just romance, either. You need to be able to set healthy boundaries with family and friends, too. We can have codependent relationships with various people in our lives.

So, if we create healthy boundaries to protect us from codependent behavior, then we must stick to our guns with all of the people in our lives for them to work correctly.

Uncle Joe will already know in advance that you’re not going to be letting him sleep on your couch because your sister let him know you have new boundaries now.

You’re no longer putting up with certain behaviors.

New rules, new you.

It will attract the right kind of people your way.

2. Can Help You Regain Self-Confidence

By working with a codependency recovery coach, you will begin to build back your self-confidence. When we get lost in a codependent relationship, we lose ourselves to the other person. We focus all our attention on them, and slowly, our self-confidence becomes attached to whether the other person is content. 

So, for example, if your partner is angry, you immediately feel like you did something wrong. Then, when they turn on you and get abusive, physically, verbally, and sexually, you end up taking it like a hurt animal.

You feel like you deserve the treatment. This type of thinking has to go. With a codependency coach by your side, you will get your confidence back and never again allow that type of treatment.

Self-care graphic with a woman in the bathtub and another woman hugging herself.

3. Can Teach You Self-Care

One of the best defenses against a narcissist is to start practicing self-care. When you are stuck in codependent relationships, you forget to take care of yourself because your world becomes all about the other person.

Sometimes, you even neglect basic hygiene, especially if there’s substance use involved. Substance use and codependency are common together because you sometimes want to self-medicate due to the toxic relationship that you find yourself unable to escape from. 

A study of women who were married to addicts and women who were married to men who weren’t addicts, found that a large percentage of the women married to addicts also had codependency. As you can see, they go hand in hand.

From experience, having a self-care routine is what got me through the beginning stages of staying sober and not returning to old codependent behaviors.

If you don’t take anything else from this article, take the self-care and implement it into your life. I bet after a while, you will get to a point where you love yourself enough to say, I’m done with codependency!

Self-care will look very different from person to person, but a good rule of thumb is to do things that make you feel good inside. Treat yourself well, and then eventually, when the time comes for someone new to enter into your life, you’ll have set the standards for how you expect them to treat you as well.

4. Can Help You Face Your Underlying Trauma

Nine times out of ten, underlying trauma is the reason for the codependency.

Sometimes, it can be from a trauma bond that was formed in childhood. So maybe you had a parent who was toxic or narcissistic, and you developed a trauma bond with them.

If so, this type of relationship taught you that certain things equate to love that really don’t equate to love at all.

You attract relationships that feel just as toxic, yet they are comfortable to you because that’s what you were used to as a child.

A codependency coach can help you dig deep into your wounds and trauma bonds and release the trauma.

At Unleash Your Healing Vibes, we will work on your underlying trauma with holistic practices, starting with the physical body. 

First, you must get your physical body in good health, and then you can start to release stuck trauma and work on your inner child and shadow work, too.

So, you’ll be offered a self-care regimen with a daily practice of either yoga, qigong, or a different type of exercise technique that resonates with you.

You will change your diet and reduce processed foods. Then, you can use things like meditation or deep breathing to connect to yourself within.

When you tap into the inner child inside, you can find out what trauma he or she is holding onto and then work to process it and let it go.

After you clear this trauma, you’ll be better equipped to either walk away from codependency or ensure that you never get in that type of relationship again because now you know what you deserve.

5. Can Help You Find the Strength To Leave

If you are still stuck in a codependent relationship, a coach can help you find the strength to get out. Sometimes, the narcissist will isolate us so much from our friends and family that we feel like we have no one to turn to. That’s where a codependency coach comes in.

You can confide in your coach about what is going on in the relationship, and if you really want out, they can help you get that strength.

Remember, a narcissist has no power if you stop allowing their words and actions to affect you. Therefore, if you stop giving them responses, they may just walk out themselves and save you the trouble.

6. Most Codependency Coaches Have Lived Experience With Codependency

Many codependency coaches have lived experience with codependency themselves. What better way to overcome it than to work alongside someone who has what you desire?

It’s much different than someone who has studied codependency from a book. I’ve been to a therapist myself who had no clue what it was actually like living with a relationship addiction. Instead of being able to feel that she genuinely knew where I was coming from, she kept throwing textbook answers my way that I didn’t resonate with. 

Wouldn’t you rather have someone guiding you and holding your hand on a path that they themselves have actually walked? 

This is why I work with codependency and people who live with domestic abuse, because I know what it’s like.

I know how hard it is to get out of it. I know what the gaslighting can do to your own self-worth. I know how it feels to be treated that way daily.

If you truly want someone to help you with codependency issues, a codependency coach with lived experience is your best bet.

Get a Codependency Coach To Help You Overcome Codependent Relationships

Struggling with codependency is not a life sentence. You can work to overcome it and attract a more rewarding and empowering positive relationship.

When you work with a codependency recovery coach to learn self-care, set healthy boundaries, and become more confident in yourself, you’ll feel so good about yourself.

Nothing feels more empowering than realizing that you can live on your own and be single until someone comes along who deserves to be with you.

So, if you want to feel that amazing feeling too, contact me today at Unleash Your Healing Vibes, and I’ll help you get there!
