Are you trying to discover why you keep making the same mistakes your mother made? Are you drowning in debt, just like your parents? These patterns, often referred to as generational curses, are deeply ingrained behaviors or circumstances that seem to repeat in families over generations. If you are looking for ways you can break generational curses then you are in the right place. I have personally tried each and every one of these tips that I’m about to share when I break generational curses myself! 

This article will cover five of the top ways you can break generational curses.

1. Draw a Genogram (Family Tree)

One of my favorite ways you can break generational curses is to draw a genogram. A genogram is simply a drawing of your family tree. So, you draw out your family tree and list a bunch of questions about your family that may be the cause of the generational curse that you are dealing with.

Some questions you can ask include things like, Was there an abortion in the family? Did someone live through a war? Were there any divorces? Did any of the family members live together without being married?

Were the children born out of wedlock? Were there any money issues? Was anyone mean to their husband or wife? Was anyone in the family in the military or a cop who killed someone else? Was anyone a thief? 

You want to start with your grandparents, and you can go back even further if you have access to that type of information. I enjoy going back to my great-great grandparents and starting, but this is only accessible on my dad’s side of the family, so sometimes you have to work with what you can trace the roots back to. 

So you’ll also want to list things like mental illness, physical illness, profession, and how many times were they married, if any. List any medical and health conditions, addiction, substance abuse, or co-dependency. I find that addiction often has long ties back through the line, even if it is just on one side of the family tree. Now that you have all of this information down on paper, you can pinpoint where some of the generational curses are coming from. 

So, for example, if your family experienced poverty, abortions, or adoptions, then some of that energy may have been passed down to you. 

Making a genogram is a great place to get started and one of the best ways you can break generational curses. 

2. Use a Ritual

Another one of my favorite ways you can break generational curses is through rituals. Rituals have been around forever, and chances are some of your ancestors had their own rituals, even if they were aware of it or the power behind them.

A ritual is simply a routine of doing something in a certain way every time. So you don’t have to jump to witchcraft just because I am using the term ritual. You can do ancestral rituals to heal generational trauma in many ways. 

My favorite ritual to use when breaking generational curses is to find an article from one of your ancestors where you think there may have been some trauma in their life. This can be an old heirloom or a photograph or even writing their full name down on a piece of paper.

Now, the rest of the ritual is up to you and what resonates with you. So I suggest taking this heirloom or pieces of paper and finding some sage, palo santo, or burning a candle and getting yourself into a quiet meditation while holding this item. Now, ask your ancestor directly to help you learn what this trauma is and how you can help to release it.

You may not get an answer right away, but something could happen that shows you the answer you are looking for. Maybe you feel a sudden pain in a particular part of your body, and then you might have a clue as to where some trauma is stored that you may want to try to clear now. 

The idea of ritual is to practice it over and over and in the same manner that you did the first time. If nothing really happens the first time you do, please don’t feel bad. That is entirely normal. But after twenty times that you have practiced this, you may very well have a breakthrough that can help you break these generational curses. 

3. Address Your Fascia

One of the top ways you can break generational curses is to address your fascia. Your ancestors’ records of generational history are kept in your fascia. The fascia is our communication organ and the largest in the body. Everything is archived in your fascia.

All of the unhealed trauma from your ancestors is in your fascia. Fascia holds your aura. The soul is wrapped in your fascia. Your fascia is a network of connective tissues that hold your body together in a big hug. This fascia is where the trauma is stored from your ancestors, well, one of the big places that trauma can be stored. 

Studies have shown that deep fascia layers, especially around your organs, are filled with nerves and can hold stress. Despite not a lot of science providing that trauma is stored in the fascia, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence from myofascial release practitioners that people have had trauma released in many ways when they have their fascia worked on in this type of physical therapy. The fascia around the psoas is one of the top places where trauma can get stored, even generational trauma. 

4. Become a Transitional Character

One of the best ways you can break generational curses is to become a transitional character. The late Carlfred Broderick, who was a marriage therapist, came up with the term transitional character.

This transitional character is that one person in a bloodline changes the entire direction of the family lineage. Their mission is to overcome and rid the entire bloodline of the chaos in the family so that the next generation doesn’t have to bear the burdens of the generational trauma baggage. 

In my opinion, we are at a stage in our evolution right now where these transitional characters or black sheep are being called to step forward and change the trajectory of the family legacy.

You can take the chaos and emotional energy, transmute it, and give it back to the Universe in love. You need to discover that your ancestors are always by your side, and they have been waiting for you to heal their bloodline for generations and generations! The time is now for you to break generational curses and set your descendants up on a new and healed path! 

Be Courageous 

One of the best ways you can break generational curses is to simply be courageous. Oh, okay, courage—how generic. Yes, I know what you are thinking.

But it takes courage to be the person who dares to go against the family. Many times, these issues have been ingrained and programmed into families for so many generations that it is like you are breaking some law if you dare to be different or do things differently.

If you want your children to grow up differently, then you have to have the courage to keep from saying things that you heard as a child.

Right, “Children are meant to be seen and not heard.” You have to have the courage to be the parent who lets their male children cry and actually encourages it as a way for them to express their emotions.

You don’t want your children needing tons of therapy just because that’s how this family does things. No, you have to have the courage to be the one that everyone is going to look at and call you the crazy one or tell you that you are doing it all wrong when, in reality, you are going to change the whole trajectory of a bloodline, and that’s some awesome stuff!

Reach Out for Support

Now that you know some of the best ways you can break generational curses, what are you waiting for? You can get started on some of these things today! These are easy ways to get started, but if you have tried all of these or just want some additional help with breaking generational curses, then reach out to me for a FREE discovery call. I can see where you are at and offer you one of my programs to help you break generational curses as soon as possible. 

If you are ready to get started on your healing today, join my Healing Hive Group

This is a group of supportive people who are just like you and are working on their healing journey. Plus, you’ll get weekly group coaching sessions with me so we can work together to heal generational trauma and break generational curses! 
